ALEX PATON Director | Writer | Artist | Musician |


lost without you - hifi sean ft paris grey
 ithanku - the high fidelity
 forever - angel&bastard
flying elvis - leilani
   style -  mydadsmatealan   
do you remember - the mass seduction
sex party - sHITe
bionic bigfoot leg  - mydadsmatealan

Director - Alex Paton



Contact Alex + 31 (0) 686 44 99 21

My photo
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Born in Glasgow in 1967. Alexander Paton is an award winning Writer Director. Since 1991 , Creating his own unique style of storytelling through commercials, music videos and short documentaries. A Cannes Gold Lion winner for his long running irn bru campaign, D&AD Judge and Director of The Best Scottish Television Commercial of all time. (Public Vote). Based in Amsterdam, where he founded Alexander Paton Films in July 2015. Latest clients: Hifi Sean, Public Enemy, Badhuis Theater. *Also Draws with charcoal and paper. ​