ALEX PATON Director | Writer | Artist | Musician |


Throwing 'flat screens' out of windows won't make that nice big loud explosion you deserve to hear, but it will relieve you from the shit in your brain.
Try it today,
Surprise a friend or relative next time you call round. Always open the window first and make sure there's no-one on the ground below. (that's not completely Rock n Roll, but it will save your karma or a human life.) Do it before you or someone else gets hooked by the lies. T.V.R.I.P.


Contact Alex + 31 (0) 686 44 99 21

My photo
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Born in Glasgow in 1967. Alexander Paton is an award winning Writer Director. Since 1991 , Creating his own unique style of storytelling through commercials, music videos and short documentaries. A Cannes Gold Lion winner for his long running irn bru campaign, D&AD Judge and Director of The Best Scottish Television Commercial of all time. (Public Vote). Based in Amsterdam, where he founded Alexander Paton Films in July 2015. Latest clients: Hifi Sean, Public Enemy, Badhuis Theater. *Also Draws with charcoal and paper. ​